Nothing To See Here

New works by

Sam White

Opening Reception

Friday, September 30th, 6-9pm

at The Garage Gallery

76 Wood St Providence, RI

Nothing To See Here showing new works by Sam White was an immersive art installation. The show was built around Sam’s hidden dioramas that, upon first glance, blend in with the everyday, but with further inspection invite you into the glowing depths of Sam’s miniature worlds. The show featured a performance by the artist, a life-sized diorama where an original painting of a snowy landscape opened up to a full scale model of the Enterprise Control Room “manned” by a Chimp going ape-shit.

Nothing To See Here was the inaugural show at Studio Etc’s Garage Gallery.

abbyetc co-produced the show with Michael Ezzell. Installation and lighting by Sam White and David Allyn.


Natural Dye Party